Remote Test Requirements
To ensure the CELBAN test experience runs smoothly, examinees should prepare their remote testing environment as specified below on each of the scheduled test dates. Testing location must be indoors, well lit, and free of background noise and disruptions.
Examinees are responsible for meeting all of the requirements listed below prior to registering in order to complete CELBAN remotely. If the requirements listed below are not met, the test appointment will be terminated and the cost of rescheduling will be the responsibility of the examinee.
Arrival Times
Examinees are responsible for arriving to their testing appointments at the times specified to do so in their confirmation emails to allow adequate time for the examiner or proctor to go through the check-in procedures. Please be mindful of this prior to registering and follow the arrival guidelines provided below:
- CELBAN Speaking Test: Examinees must join their virtual appointment on time. Those who appear later than five (5) minutes will not be allowed to challenge the test.
- CELBAN CBT: Examinees should arrive 30 minutes before their scheduled appointment time, whether testing remotely or at a test site.
A wired headset that includes a microphone is mandatory. Without one, examinees will not be permitted to test. To pass the remote security check, examinees must have their wired headset plugged into their computer prior to accessing the test appointment.
System Requirements
- A desktop or laptop computer plugged into a power source. The use of smartphones or tablets is prohibited.
- Dual or multiple monitor configurations are not permitted.
- Minimum screen resolution of 1024 x 768 is required; however, a screen resolution of 1920 x 1080 or higher will optimize the CELBAN CBT experience.
- External or built-in web-camera. Examinees must be able to move their web-camera to show a 360o view of their test environment during the security check.
- Internet connection speed of at least 1.5 Mbps (conduct a speed test to confirm connection speed). For the best experience, it is recommended that examinees use an Ethernet cable to help reduce the risk of the connection being interrupted due to low signal strength (information on how connect to internet via Ethernet).
- Windows 8.1 or higher.
- MacOS 10.13 or higher (Note: MacOS 13.0 Ventura is not supported at this time). If you are using a Mac, you will be required to complete these instructions on page 10 to ensure your system requirements are met. Technical difficulties may still occur after completing the system requirements check. If possible, we suggest that you test with a Windows PC.
Additionally, for a remote CBT appointment:
Environmental Requirements
Each examinee will be asked to provide a 360
o environmental check of their surroundings using their webcam to confirm the test environment meets the following requirements:
- No third party may be present in the room or enter the room for the duration of the test, including pets.
- The testing environment should be well lit and free of visual distractors, obstructions and clutter that prevent a complete room scan from taking place. We recommend a quiet room such as a bedroom or office.
- Workstations, including items stored below, must be cleared of all items. Note-taking tools are strictly prohibited.
- There must be no electronic recording devices in the room, including cell phones, smartwatches, and tablets.
- No other programs or tabs are permitted to be open on the computer for the duration of the test.
- No content that could potentially provide an unfair advantage during your test, including anything posted on walls or within the immediate area, can be present during the test session.
- Show that they are not wearing any recording devices and that their pockets are empty.
- Leaving the camera view at any point while the test is in progress is strictly prohibited.
- The use of blurred or virtual backgrounds is not permitted.
- Examinees are expected to present themselves and their environment professionally and respectfully.
- Examiners or proctors may ask examinees to provide a secondary room scan during the test, if deemed necessary, including if the examinee has left the camera view for any reason.
As part of our commitment to ensuring a fair and secure testing environment, examiners or proctors may ask about an examinee’s testing environment if they deem it necessary for security reasons. If the examiner or proctor is unable to confirm that you have met the environmental requirements, the test may be terminated.
If an examinee has scheduled their CELBAN CBT appointment at a Prometric test site, all of their personal items must be locked in a locker for test security purposes. Learn more about
what to expect from the Prometric test site experience.
Identification Requirements
Examinees will be required to verify their identity on each of their scheduled test dates. For an online test, this means showing personal identification to the camera. The names that are used on the registration form must be identical to the names that appear on the photo identification provided, including the same spelling.
If the identity of an examinee cannot be verified on their scheduled test dates, they will not be permitted to take the test.
On each testing date, examinees will be asked to show one piece of valid government issued identification that includes a photo. Acceptable forms of identification are limited to the following:
- Passport
- Canadian Permanent Resident or Citizenship Card
- Canadian Driver's License
- Canadian Health Card
- Canadian Identification Card
The identification used must be original (photocopies will not be accepted), non-expired and government issued. The photo must resemble the examinee’s current physical appearance. If none of the examinee’s current identification meets these requirements, they should contact The CELBAN Centre prior to registering to determine next steps.
Policies & Procedures
Examinees should review The CELBAN Centre’s
Policies and Procedures before registering for their test. This document explains critical information relating to the test experience.
Ethical Exam Behaviour
Examinees should also review
Touchstone Institute’s Ethical Exam Behaviour to remind themselves of how to behave ethically, and what type of behaviour is prohibited with reference to assessments administered by Touchstone Institute.
Touchstone Institute has a responsibility to maintain the security and integrity of its exams. In order to maintain public confidence in professional competence, the assessments that test their skills and knowledge need to be kept secure and reliable. Touchstone Institute Assessment programs include confidential examination content, protected by the Canadian and International Copyright Act. Any examinee who is found to be cheating or acting unethically may face disciplinary and/or legal consequences.